All events are held at the City of Phoenix Workforce and Business Development Center, 302 N. 1st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ (6th Floor) unless otherwise noted. (Underground parking is validated)

Friday, August 19, 11:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
A Glimpse into the Administration of Justice
Hiring Process
Presented by Jayne Price, M.A.
Jayne knows her way around a prison cell block and a courthouse. With more than 30 years of experience in the criminal justice field, Mrs. Price has hundreds of stories to share about her journey from a prison guard to the governor-appointed position of Chair of the Michigan Parole Board.
Join us as Mrs. Price offers information that will help us create more-targeted resumes for our clients in this field. She will cover:
ï‚· The skills sets supervisors most desire
ï‚· The type of experience that needs to be highlighted
ï‚· The personality/temperament required
ï‚· The resume type(s) that get a longer look
Let us know you're coming…Click here to RSVP.
For questions, contact Brenda at 602-570-7593
Please respond by August 18 so we can plan for you!
September - Update Your Resume Month
Because you never know when you’ll need to use your résumé, the month of September has been designated “Update Your Résumé Month” as an annual reminder for job seekers to review their résumés and LinkedIn profiles.
The members of the Resume Writer’s Council of Arizona (RWCA) will be on-site providing FREE resume updates. They are free because part of our mission is to give back. You can trust it, because we are professional resume writers and writing resumes is what we do all day, every day.
Come out and network with other professionals, get some refreshments, and let’s work together to build / update your resumes. Our goal is to help YOU get back to work. Additional resources will be shared with you during the event so be sure to come be part of it.
Here are some guidelines for updating your résumé:
• Check your contact information. A new piece of contact data to be sure to include is your customized LinkedIn URL to link your résumé to your LinkedIn profile.
• Update your education, training, and certifications. Have you taken any classes in the last year? Earned a degree? Pursued a certification? Attended a job-related seminar?
• Is your work experience up to date? Need to add your current position? Now is also the time to review your accomplishments and make sure they are reflected in your résumé.
Update Your Resume Month Event
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022
Details coming soon!

Brenda Cunningham, Lori Norris, Martha Rockwell, and Donna Tucker flank Sheila Coulam of Career Connectors after a resume panel for military wives at USAA in north Phoenix.